Northern Folk
The cards below describe a typical member of each sapien found in the north.
According to legend, dwarves were sculpted from the blood and bones of the first giant. They are a battle-born folk, hardened by life in the north. Not only are they ferocious warriors, but they are also known as brave seafarers. Many have sailed out from their homelands as marauders, traders, and conquerors. Some have permanently migrated to distant shores.
Elves live in harmony with nature and are as beautiful and wild as the world around them. Before the rise of humankind, their civilization sprawled across continent, but their population was ultimately decimated through war and assimilation with Old Antum. Their warriors have a reputation as headhunters, as they believe the head is the center of the soul.
Human, Pureblood
The primal races historically viewed humans as a template life form, released into the world like a blank canvas hung in a gallery. Despite this perception, humans have demonstrated their great potential time over the millennia. Today, they are the overwhelmingly dominant species on the continent with dozens of unique subcultures spanning from coast to coast.
Human, Halfblood
Though the statistics vary regionally, halfbloods make up roughly 1% of the human population. While many more humans have some primal ancestry, it is only in this small percentage that the genes express themselves. Halfbloods may bear minor traits from this lineage that impact their height or build, and their colored irises stand out from the standard human brown eyes.
These tiny, gossamer-winged folk are typically puckish, playful, and very curious. They are guardians of the local flora, and their homes are often hidden among the petals of blooming flowers, the hollows of ancient trees, or the soft caps of large mushrooms. The dust from their wings is a valuable alchemical component that once had them hunted to near extinction.
Leprechauns are mischievous and cunning. Their name is derived from their association with Lapokin, the god of luck. Their charmed nature gives them an edge in matters of chance, and they often love to gamble or make deals that could increase their fortune. They also love good-natured practical joking. Many are skilled in many crafts, particularly cobbling and tailoring.
Diminutive, anxious, an typically nocturnal kobolds live in tight packs, hidden where they can thrive away from the larger, more dominant peoples. With a natural affinity for engineering, they are known as creative scavengers and tinkers who can turn trash into treasure. They avoid direct conflict unless they have the upper hand, and can often be negotiated or bartered with.
These subterranean folk have a history as chaotic troublemakers on the continent and exist only the fringes of society. It is believed that they were once kobolds, cursed by their devotion to Orcus. Goblins live in fiercely loyal clans, relying on their numbers for strength. Sensitive to the sunlight, their homes are built in underground caves and they only emerge at night.
Borne from the shadows of clandestine experimentation, bugbears were forged by the cruel machinations of goblins. The first generation were once kobolds, seized in the moonlit clutches of night, and subjected to profane mutagenic rituals. Driven by a thirst for power, the goblins sought to forge a hardier, more fearsome servitor, but the bugbears eventually overthrew their masters.
Within the heart of the swamp, hidden from the prying eyes of outsiders, ogres establish small communities. Despite being the smallest giants, they boast muscular physiques with toughened skin mottled with algae and marked with the scars of countless marshland battles. While typically reclusive, ogres are known to interact with those who approach their domain with deference.
The gentle giants are known as the shepherds of the forest, typically living in nomadic seclusion within the dense forests of the continent. Despite their imposing size and bestial appearances, Firbolg are pacifistic herbivores and have a deep connection to the local fauna. On the rare occasions they venture beyond their homes in the wilderness, it is usually with a distinct purpose.
The frost giants of the north can be found in frozen tundras and sprawling mountain ranges. Their skin ranges from pale blue to icy white and is a tough as ancient glaciers, providing them with a natural insulation from the cold. Jotun are fierce and territorial, but not inherently malicious. They can be reasoned with, but demand respect.
Doppelgangers are a mysterious and unsettling shapeshifter species. Because they can assume any bipedal form of a similar size, they can often become the subject of conspiracies and paranoia. Because of their elusive nature, little is known about their habits and culture. They may exist in small communities or they might infiltrate a community in solitude.
The seal-folk inhabit the rugged coasts of the north. They are graceful marine creatures with sleek speckled bodies and finned appendages. Although they are not truly amphibious, they can hold their breath for well over an hour. In the water they are agile and can be seen riding the waves and they typically make homes in undersea caves. If found on land, it is rarely too far from the ocean.
Tomtar were formed from the very essence of the tundras and born by the warmth of cozy hearth fires. They live in secluded enclaves among snow-covered pines, and are skilled craftsmen as well as keepers of ancient winter magic. Guided by a sense of duty to protect the home and its occupants, tomtar have become synonymous with the comforting embrace of domestic life.